Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's time to prepare

I try not to be a worry wart but this time I think my worry is necessary to survival.
With the economy coming to a halt & America values on a down slide I believe we are headed for some very dark times.
I have been listening to Glenn Beck a lot lately, he is someone I really trust and believe that he has a true purpose for being here in these times. He has been talking about what our country is facing for well over a year but it hasn't been until recently that it has hit home with me.
I have decided to add to our emergency kit and make our home a self sufficient place if something tragic should happen. I don't consider this to be an extreme measure, in fact I think many people years ago always had an emergency supply of food, water, etc.. and in recent times we have taken our life for granted and have come to believe that the USA will never fall.
I pray that our country does not dissolve into a Soviet Union replica but I refuse to be arrogant enough to think that could never happen. I hope we rebound and treat our freedom with the respect it deserves and that we put government back where it belongs, out of our lives.
People must remember government is a necessary evil not your mother.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while

Time flies, it's been a while since I posted.
Now that the reality of the election has really set in it's time to focus on what rights Obama will attempt to take away from us.
As you can see from the title of my blog the most important right to me is the 2nd Amendment.
Without this right all others can be taken away.
It is very important for people to stand up against this and the first thing you can do is join the NRA they will help defend your rights.
Tell everyone you know why the 2nd Amendment is so important and let them know that if they take that right away you can bet freedom of speech will soon follow.

Another thing we need to keep our eye on is this "Civilian Army" that Obama has mentioned. I don't know about you but that scares the hell out of me, what exactly would this army do????

Keep your eyes and ears open and please do not watch your rights slip away before your eyes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5th a day of sadness

Well it's been a while since I have blogged and today was a must. Last night we lost our country to Obama and I could not be more upset. I feel that our country could be lost forever, I hope not but my gut tells me the best this country has seen is long gone.
We now will have a President that want to make slaves out of tax payers, provide "free" health care to all, restrict our 2nd amendment rights, quiet our free speech, and diminish our military while he builds a civilian armed forces. I could go on and on but I don't want to dwell too much.
I couldn't even sleep last night, and when I awoke and heard the radio I realized that it was not just a nightmare but reality for the next 4 years.
I pray that this country will not be destroyed beyond repair by the liberal majority.