Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's time to prepare

I try not to be a worry wart but this time I think my worry is necessary to survival.
With the economy coming to a halt & America values on a down slide I believe we are headed for some very dark times.
I have been listening to Glenn Beck a lot lately, he is someone I really trust and believe that he has a true purpose for being here in these times. He has been talking about what our country is facing for well over a year but it hasn't been until recently that it has hit home with me.
I have decided to add to our emergency kit and make our home a self sufficient place if something tragic should happen. I don't consider this to be an extreme measure, in fact I think many people years ago always had an emergency supply of food, water, etc.. and in recent times we have taken our life for granted and have come to believe that the USA will never fall.
I pray that our country does not dissolve into a Soviet Union replica but I refuse to be arrogant enough to think that could never happen. I hope we rebound and treat our freedom with the respect it deserves and that we put government back where it belongs, out of our lives.
People must remember government is a necessary evil not your mother.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while

Time flies, it's been a while since I posted.
Now that the reality of the election has really set in it's time to focus on what rights Obama will attempt to take away from us.
As you can see from the title of my blog the most important right to me is the 2nd Amendment.
Without this right all others can be taken away.
It is very important for people to stand up against this and the first thing you can do is join the NRA they will help defend your rights.
Tell everyone you know why the 2nd Amendment is so important and let them know that if they take that right away you can bet freedom of speech will soon follow.

Another thing we need to keep our eye on is this "Civilian Army" that Obama has mentioned. I don't know about you but that scares the hell out of me, what exactly would this army do????

Keep your eyes and ears open and please do not watch your rights slip away before your eyes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5th a day of sadness

Well it's been a while since I have blogged and today was a must. Last night we lost our country to Obama and I could not be more upset. I feel that our country could be lost forever, I hope not but my gut tells me the best this country has seen is long gone.
We now will have a President that want to make slaves out of tax payers, provide "free" health care to all, restrict our 2nd amendment rights, quiet our free speech, and diminish our military while he builds a civilian armed forces. I could go on and on but I don't want to dwell too much.
I couldn't even sleep last night, and when I awoke and heard the radio I realized that it was not just a nightmare but reality for the next 4 years.
I pray that this country will not be destroyed beyond repair by the liberal majority.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our 2nd amendment is at risk

If Obama gets into office our 2nd amendment will be at risk, if you look at his voting record and the statements he has made about guns you know that your rights will be diminished.
If you want more detail go to and read for yourself.
I myself will be out putting money down on a semi-auto that I'm sure the dems will want to ban so I figure I better pick one up ASAP!
I cannot believe there is only 12 days until the election, it has been a long campaign season but at the same time I feel like it has snuck up on me. I would love McCain to beat Obama in a land slide and shock the liberal media but I have some serious doubts that will happen, but hey I can dream :-).
So stock up on guns and ammo and prepare for your rights to be infringed upon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

November 4th is quickly approaching

I am getting so nervous about this election, I truly believe that this race is a dead heat & could really go anyway at this point. It is actually shocking to me that Obama has gotten this far, this is the biggest con job I have ever seen. Every relationship that he as to many radical people, the things he has said about clinging to guns & religion, the abortion position he holds, and he STILL gets a shot at the white house. It's like I am living in an alternate universe. The people that just want change, oh they will get change and I fear that this will be change that me leave American un-recognizable.

I made calls for the McCain campaign last night and while at the call center I always get to meet someone that makes the calling experience that much better, us conservatives know how to have a good time.
Well last night I met a lady who was 79 years old and was one of the most interesting, nice, wonderful people I have ever met. I only talked with her for about an hour but she was one of those people that you could talk to for hours on end, her knowledge and grace in which she spoke almost mesmerized me.
One of the phone calls she made asking if McCain could get their support this November was a man that happen to be for Obama, in her kind voice she asked him why he was voting for Obama and them proceeded to tell him why she was not.
She said that she was a Christian first, then an american and that she was conservative so that had her fall in the Republican slot. She also talked about abortion, which is very brave because so many people don't talk about it. She told the man that every society in the past (by the way she was a retired history teacher) that accepted abortion soon moved onto the elderly & the disabled. I had never heard it put this way & it made total sense.
I hope that this lady is there when I return tomorrow evening so that I may have the opportunity to learn more from someone that's been around a while and has much knowledge to share.

Go McCain!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So tired..........

I am so tired, I have been moving this weekend and am just exhausted. Nothing makes you want to throw away all your stuff like having to pack. I just didn't realize how much stuff I had.

I have not missed out on the latest political gaffs though. Joe Biden is just comic relief! He is now practically promising a crisis if Obama gets elected, well that's comforting.
I have decided that I am not going to pay attention to the polls and will continue to volunteer for the campaign and think positive for John & Sarah.

I also recently bought a new gun and already want another. I figure IF Obama gets in I better stock up.

Gotta go, bye!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some funny bumper stickers

The last debate

Well according to the media (yes FoxNews included) I must have watched a different debate last night because I thought McCain was very good & was very excited that he really pressed some important issues.
I usually enjoy seeing some of the talking heads give their opinion after a debate and most of the time I can see their points but last night was like I was on another planet! I thought that McCain called Obama on many things & really made his points that Obama refuses to be truthful about, for one the tax issue, abortion, "spreading the weath", and many other topics. I must admit that a couple lines had me laughing and cheering more than others, by far my favorite line was when McCain told Obama that if he wanted to run against Bush he should have ran 4 years ago. Oh and how can you not like "Senator Government" LOL that was a great slip up & so true!
It's really scary to me that people just don't get it, they don't get that electing Obama will take away freedoms that you now have, punish your success with higher taxes, and American as you now know it will be changed, it's very sad to me. I pray that McCain wins this election I just can only hope that there are more people like me and less people that want Messiah Obama crowned king of the world.

Keep spreading the word about McCain and don't give up on him yet, we must fight until the last minute.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Radio talk shows

I admit I am a radio talk show junkie! I hardly ever listen to music anymore especially during this election cycle. My favorites are Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Lars Larson & Roger Hedgecock.
They all are great and so different from each other. You can count on Rush to give you the latest on the politics of the situation and only in the way Rush can. Glenn Beck is quickly moving up the rankings as one of my favorites. He is so genuine in his concern for this country, he cries on air at least once a week lately and really goes into the underlying issues that no one else talks about.
Lars Larson is a new show for me, he really is a great interviewer and has many guests on each week, he is very nice to his callers and doesn't mine debating with the opposite side.
And last but not least Roger Hedgecock who is on in San Diego weekdays and nationally on Saturdays, & he is really great! he used to fill in for Rush and really is just straight up and doesn't take any crap from anyone.
I am so addicted that there are times that I have to take my mini radio with headphones into a store because the topic is just too good to miss.
But as you know the liberal Democrats do not like competition in any area of life. You shouldn't make more money than someone else because that's not fair. Big bad Walmart puts the little guy out of business because they just offer to many damn good deals (oh that rotten big box store!). Then when it comes to radio the fairness doctrine must be in place to well keep the airways "FAIR" never mind the free market and if you are good and have a large enough audience then you get to stay on the air, but if you suck you show sinks. I know so sad

Well I must depart now as Glenn Beck is still on the air and I cannot miss a word.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I can hardly wait until election day!

Oh I can just see it now, the media calling the election for Obama before us on the left coast can even cast our ballets.
ACORN will be hauling people into vote over and over again. Obama will be picking out the new colors for the white house. Those will be the days. NO wait, don't let the media make you think it's over, it's not over until it's over as they say. Make sure you are registered to vote and make sure you and all your friends (good conservative friends) go out there and vote!

Tonight I went to the McCain headquarters and made calls for the campaign, sometimes it can be nerve racking because you never know who you will get. I always get at least one or two nasty comments from Democrats and one really nice old man that wants to rant about the liberals. Even though I am tired from working all day I have made the commitment to make calls as often as I can. There are only weeks left and if my calls will help McCain win then I am there. And I must say it can be quite amusing us conservatives are pretty damn funny :-)
So please consider volunteering at your local Republican headquarters and just maybe we can pull this off.

Until next time.......

Monday, October 13, 2008

22 Days until the election

Only 22 days until we choose our next commander in chief & the network TV stations are foaming at the mouth at the thought of Obama filling that seat.

There have been reports of voter registration fraud with ACORN, which of course Obama has no ties to (wink, wink) and the thought that an election could be stolen by illegal votes is very frightening.

As we get closer to the election more details about Obama's plans come out, but of course the drive by media refuses to report on the facts. Whether it be his tax plan, voting record on abortion, or his ties to radical people the truth is hiding. Unless you are a person that seeks out information on your own through radio & internet you better believe that the mainstream media is rooting for Obama every step of the way.

I feel like we are not only fighting against our own government but also the media that is supposed to provide us with the news, but instead that would rather provide us with propaganda.

God help us if Obama gets into office, I pray every night that McCain wins not because he is my favorite Republican but because our country's future is at stake.

Grab your friends and get them to register before it's too late.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I thought liberals were open minded?

I frequently visit a health & fitness forum and obviously most of the conversations are centered around those topics. Lately a few threads have been started about Sarah Palin and the attacks are vicious and usually have nothing to do with her experience, but instead focus on her looks and the way she speaks.
I find it really interesting that liberals claim to be so open minded except when a conservative states their opinion, that's not allowed! I found that no matter how polite I debated the subject on this forum many of the posters could not help but be completely rude and basically not allow me to have an opinion because they didn't agree.
I guess I should not be surprised by a group of people that hold violent protests & claim to be for peace but do anything but demonstrate peacefully.

Friday, October 3, 2008

This political race is making me nervous!

Welcome to my little blog. Please know that I am not an english & grammer expert by a long shot, so please excuse my flaws. I just type what I think and let it flow how I see fit. As you can see by my name - I am the NRA - I am a huge fan of the 2nd ammendment and believe that it is the only way we will remain free.

Well there is only a little more than a month left until the election, and I really am not feeling very hopeful for the Republican candidate Senator John McCain. I think he is not playing to win, instead he is playing to be polite and that is not what we need right now.

Last night was the VP debate, I watched with my family on the edge of my seat ready to scream at the TV. I was hopeful that Sarah Palin would be great but I must admit I was nervous, but she did a fabulous job!

So from now until the election every poll will show that Obama is ahead without any way of knowing how credible these polls are. The network news shows will be working on convincing the public that Obama has already won so there is no need for the Republicans to vote.
I will of course vote but I feel for those that only watch big media (just as some would call the oil industry BIG OIL) and actually believe what they say.
I am convinced that Palin was an excellent choice but now it's up to McCain to pull it together and win this election!