Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's time to prepare

I try not to be a worry wart but this time I think my worry is necessary to survival.
With the economy coming to a halt & America values on a down slide I believe we are headed for some very dark times.
I have been listening to Glenn Beck a lot lately, he is someone I really trust and believe that he has a true purpose for being here in these times. He has been talking about what our country is facing for well over a year but it hasn't been until recently that it has hit home with me.
I have decided to add to our emergency kit and make our home a self sufficient place if something tragic should happen. I don't consider this to be an extreme measure, in fact I think many people years ago always had an emergency supply of food, water, etc.. and in recent times we have taken our life for granted and have come to believe that the USA will never fall.
I pray that our country does not dissolve into a Soviet Union replica but I refuse to be arrogant enough to think that could never happen. I hope we rebound and treat our freedom with the respect it deserves and that we put government back where it belongs, out of our lives.
People must remember government is a necessary evil not your mother.

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