Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Radio talk shows

I admit I am a radio talk show junkie! I hardly ever listen to music anymore especially during this election cycle. My favorites are Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Lars Larson & Roger Hedgecock.
They all are great and so different from each other. You can count on Rush to give you the latest on the politics of the situation and only in the way Rush can. Glenn Beck is quickly moving up the rankings as one of my favorites. He is so genuine in his concern for this country, he cries on air at least once a week lately and really goes into the underlying issues that no one else talks about.
Lars Larson is a new show for me, he really is a great interviewer and has many guests on each week, he is very nice to his callers and doesn't mine debating with the opposite side.
And last but not least Roger Hedgecock who is on in San Diego weekdays and nationally on Saturdays, & he is really great! he used to fill in for Rush and really is just straight up and doesn't take any crap from anyone.
I am so addicted that there are times that I have to take my mini radio with headphones into a store because the topic is just too good to miss.
But as you know the liberal Democrats do not like competition in any area of life. You shouldn't make more money than someone else because that's not fair. Big bad Walmart puts the little guy out of business because they just offer to many damn good deals (oh that rotten big box store!). Then when it comes to radio the fairness doctrine must be in place to well keep the airways "FAIR" never mind the free market and if you are good and have a large enough audience then you get to stay on the air, but if you suck you show sinks. I know so sad

Well I must depart now as Glenn Beck is still on the air and I cannot miss a word.

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