Thursday, October 16, 2008

The last debate

Well according to the media (yes FoxNews included) I must have watched a different debate last night because I thought McCain was very good & was very excited that he really pressed some important issues.
I usually enjoy seeing some of the talking heads give their opinion after a debate and most of the time I can see their points but last night was like I was on another planet! I thought that McCain called Obama on many things & really made his points that Obama refuses to be truthful about, for one the tax issue, abortion, "spreading the weath", and many other topics. I must admit that a couple lines had me laughing and cheering more than others, by far my favorite line was when McCain told Obama that if he wanted to run against Bush he should have ran 4 years ago. Oh and how can you not like "Senator Government" LOL that was a great slip up & so true!
It's really scary to me that people just don't get it, they don't get that electing Obama will take away freedoms that you now have, punish your success with higher taxes, and American as you now know it will be changed, it's very sad to me. I pray that McCain wins this election I just can only hope that there are more people like me and less people that want Messiah Obama crowned king of the world.

Keep spreading the word about McCain and don't give up on him yet, we must fight until the last minute.

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