Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our 2nd amendment is at risk

If Obama gets into office our 2nd amendment will be at risk, if you look at his voting record and the statements he has made about guns you know that your rights will be diminished.
If you want more detail go to and read for yourself.
I myself will be out putting money down on a semi-auto that I'm sure the dems will want to ban so I figure I better pick one up ASAP!
I cannot believe there is only 12 days until the election, it has been a long campaign season but at the same time I feel like it has snuck up on me. I would love McCain to beat Obama in a land slide and shock the liberal media but I have some serious doubts that will happen, but hey I can dream :-).
So stock up on guns and ammo and prepare for your rights to be infringed upon.

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