Wednesday, October 22, 2008

November 4th is quickly approaching

I am getting so nervous about this election, I truly believe that this race is a dead heat & could really go anyway at this point. It is actually shocking to me that Obama has gotten this far, this is the biggest con job I have ever seen. Every relationship that he as to many radical people, the things he has said about clinging to guns & religion, the abortion position he holds, and he STILL gets a shot at the white house. It's like I am living in an alternate universe. The people that just want change, oh they will get change and I fear that this will be change that me leave American un-recognizable.

I made calls for the McCain campaign last night and while at the call center I always get to meet someone that makes the calling experience that much better, us conservatives know how to have a good time.
Well last night I met a lady who was 79 years old and was one of the most interesting, nice, wonderful people I have ever met. I only talked with her for about an hour but she was one of those people that you could talk to for hours on end, her knowledge and grace in which she spoke almost mesmerized me.
One of the phone calls she made asking if McCain could get their support this November was a man that happen to be for Obama, in her kind voice she asked him why he was voting for Obama and them proceeded to tell him why she was not.
She said that she was a Christian first, then an american and that she was conservative so that had her fall in the Republican slot. She also talked about abortion, which is very brave because so many people don't talk about it. She told the man that every society in the past (by the way she was a retired history teacher) that accepted abortion soon moved onto the elderly & the disabled. I had never heard it put this way & it made total sense.
I hope that this lady is there when I return tomorrow evening so that I may have the opportunity to learn more from someone that's been around a while and has much knowledge to share.

Go McCain!!!!!!

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